Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond


Short Fiction

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In A Widow's Tale      or second source:   1 volume   

The Story

The Lycett-Landons live in Liverpool, where Mr Lycett-Landon is in commerce. They have six children, the eldest two being ages twenty and eighteen. It is a surprise when he decides not to send his eldest son to the London branch as planned. Lately Mr Landon himself has been spending considerable time in London.

When the family begin to be concerned about him, Mrs Landon and her son travel down to London. What Mrs Landon finds there is shocking, and she realises she must make an important decision.

Biographical and other notes

The story's title is taken from a legend of King Henry II's wife Eleanor of Aquitaine and his mistress Rosamund: Eleanor finds the hidden Rosamund and kills her.

British publishing information

Periodical:   Cornhill Magazine   Jan - Feb 1886

First edition:   William Blackwood and Sons (collected in A Widow's Tale) 1898

Series and Themes

Married life

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