My Faithful Johnny


Short Fiction

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In Neighbours on the Green - volume 3      or second source:   1 volume   

The Story

The narrator of this story is a lady with several children. She enjoys sitting at the window watching life in the Road below, including the courtship of two young people, John Ridgway a clerk in an office, and Ellen Harwood a music teacher. As the years pass she wonders why they do not marry; and when her youngest child needs music lessons, she uses this as an excuse to get acquainted with Ellen. It turns out to be the old story of self-sacrifice, and the narrator wonders whether she can do anything to help.

Biographical and other notes

"Self-sacrifice" was a popular concept in Victorian times, nearly always applied to a young woman who was expected to sacrifice her own life for the good of others. Margaret Oliphant often questioned its necessity, most especially when the recipients were selfish and unappreciative.

This story is dedicated to "F.W.C." and "B.C." - Francis Warre-Cornish and his wife Blanche Warre-Cornish. At this time Francis was a master at Eton, Mrs Oliphant's sons' school; and later he was Eton's Vice-Provost. Margaret Oliphant knew them well, living just across the river at Windsor. She had a double bond with Blanche, being close friends with Blanche's second cousin and sister-in-law, novelist Anne Thackeray. A little book preserving witticisms of Blanche Cornish (and also of AC Benson) is Bensoniana and Cornishiana.

Note, even though this story is included in the book Neighbours on the Green, it is not part of that series.

British publishing information

Periodical:   Cornhill Magazine   Nov-Dec 1880

First edition:   MacMillan and Co (collected in Neighbours on the Green) 1889

Series and Themes

Male central character
Stories set in Italy
Women's issues / women's rights
Working women

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