
Margaret Oliphant had experienced major depression more than once, and described it with feeling in many of her novels. In the novels included below depression is an important part of the story line, usually brought on by unexpected circumstances. In the first three of these novels the main character will overcome her depression.

But in Joyce the main character is sliding into a depression which deepens throughout the novel, numbing her to the point that she may not be able to grasp happiness when it is before her. And in Old Mr Tredgold Katherine suffers from a sense of resignation and powerlessness - a low-level depression stemming from the contempt with which she has been treated since childhood.

In The Unjust Steward a depression is described in which the depressed person becomes consumed with guilt over a wrong which he believes he has committed.

Zaidee, a Romance
The Days of My Life
Lucy Crofton
Old Mr Tredgold, a Story of Two Sisters
The Unjust Steward, or the Minister's Debt

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